Introduction to Java, How to install Java on your machine.

For its easy syntax and interoperability, Java has become one of the best celebrated programming Language. Learn Java from basic to advance, for free!

Hi there!!! Welcome to Java!

Introduction to Java

What is Java?

Java is a popular programming language created by James Gosling in 1995. It is a high level class based, object oriented programming language, which earned a stability in the market because of the utility named WORA (Write once, run anytime). This means compiled java code can run on any platforms that supports java without the need for recompilation. Java is the first programming language in the world which enabled this utility.

Where is Java used?

Java is still being used for multiple purposes. They are-

-          Mobile (Android) app development. Android app development is colorless without java.

-          Desktop GUI application. Java enables Java Swing utility, which helps us to build a GUI application from scratch.

-          Web based applications. LinkedIn, AliExpress, IRCTC can be some examples of web applications which are made by Java.

-          Gaming applications

-          Data science and big data technologies.

-          Distributed application. They are the programs which run on more than one computer and communicates through the network.

-          Cloud-based applications

-          IoT (Internet of things) applications

Why use Java?

-          WORA. You have to compile your java code only once, then you can run it on any operating systems which support java.

-          Java uses hierarchical method to communicate with methods. This makes funtctions to be found in the program easier.

-          Java has a big library. Which definitely reduces the difficulty of programming. Those who have a simple idea on C, the printf() function is in the stdio.h file. This is called as library. Java has more library facility than most of the programming languages. You can find libraries that can almost do anything.

-          Java is the only programming language which has a Java-built compiler and a java-built syntax.

-          Java has a better GUI (Graphical User Interface) systems than the default AWT (Abstract Window Toolkit) and Swing Libraries. The apps we see in our daily life are built of GUI.

-          You can connect to databases using JDBC (Java Database Community).

-          Java uses compiler, which is faster than interpreters (used by python). Means java runs faster than python.

-          Java has a lengthy but easier syntax.

-          Java has a inspiring community, which keeps java alive.

What can I learn from this tutorial

Java 14 is the latest stable release of Java. It shows promising new features. This tutorial will guide you step-by-step to be a basic to intermediate Java programmer.

How to code Java

We know that once you compile a java code you don’t have to recompile it. But first we have to compile a java code in order to make the code comprehensible for the compiler. So we need an environment for java in our computer.


IDE stands for Integrated Development Environment. IDE is basically an application which support 360 degree programming support for an individual programming language. Java has numerous IDEs, including Intellij, Eclipse, Netbeans etc. In this tutorial we will learn everything on the eclipse IDE. I favour this IDE because of its UI 😁. You can use any IDE as you want, everyone must have similar properties.

Lets install the Eclipse IDE.

First we have to go to this link, Download the Eclipse IDE from here!

From the link find the Eclipse IDE for enterprise JAVA and Web developers. This IDE comes with extra functions and extra aptness.

Select an install package depending on your operating system. I am selecting windows.

Click download.

After the installer is downloaded, you have to create a Java environment in your pc.

If you are running windows, go to command prompt (First press Win+R then write cmd and hit enter).

And type java -version and hit enter.

If the command evaluates, you have java installed on your machine. But if you hit enter and it says, 'java' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. You have no environment for java in your machine. So we have to create a java environment by downloading it.

Java Downloads for All Operating Systems

Download and install Java.

Then open the eclipse installer.

Click on Eclipse IDE for enterprise java developers.

Select installation path and Java VM. This will be selected on its own if you have downloaded java on your system.

Accept ALL terms and conditions. Hit install and always trust certificates.

After the installation is completed, hit launch. Then select a workspace. This will save all its library and your java projects on the desired workspace.

Click on, “Use this as default and don’t ask again.” Then again hit launch.

This will appear.

Congratulations, you have prepared your machine for Java!


From the next tutorial we will start coding with Java. Stay tuned with us! Thanks.

- Team Codeschoolspy